
Midnight Wednesday is end for studded tires

ODOT is not planning to extend the studded tire season past 12:01 a.m. Thursday morning, April 1.

Motorists should remove their studded tires by then. ODOT is working closely with the Washington State Department of Transportation, which is announcing the same decision.

ODOT encourages drivers to consider other types of traction tires or chains because studded tires cause at least $11 million damage each year on city streets, county roads and state highways.

Other types of traction tires are available. These traction tires meet Rubber Manufacturers Association standards for use in severe snow conditions and carry a special symbol on the tire sidewall showing a three-peaked mountain and snowflake.

Research shows these tires provide better traction than studded tires when used on bare pavement.

Drivers with studded snow tires on their vehicles in Oregon after the deadline can be charged with a Class C traffic violation, which currently carries a minimum $190 fine.

Please visit http://www.TripCheck.com or call 511 for the latest road conditions.
