April 6
12:37 a.m. – Elias James Severson, 37, arrested on Sweet Home warrant for second-degree theft, Bend. Cited and released.
6:29 a.m. – Caller reported someone broke into his locked vehicle, 1500 block of 13th. Report taken.
7:15 a.m. – Caller reported four or five dogs living at location, 1600 block of Cedar. Referred to code enforcement officer.
9:31 a.m. – Caller reported people living in two RVs, 2200 block of Larch. Referred to code enforcement officer.
10:18 a.m. – Caller reported finding three juveniles under the cover for the high jump on April 4. There was some minor damage, and it was fixed, Husky Field. Caller wanted the juveniles trespassed from the football-track area.
12:22 p.m. – Caller reported issues with felines in the area using his garden for a litter box, 1400 block of Westwood. Referred to code enforcement officer.
12:52 p.m. – Caller reported a male violated a no-contact order, 1530 Tamarack St., Mountain Shadows Manufactured Home Community. Report taken for violation of a release agreement and tampering with a witness.
1:10 p.m. – Jay Lamar Humphries, 51, arrested on Linn County warrant for failure to appear on original charge of possession of meth and unlawful possession of less than an ounce of marijuana, 12th and Nandina. Cited and released.
April 5
1:32 a.m. – Caller heard a loud explosion, 1500 block of Main. Officer checked area. Unable to locate anything suspicious.
6:07 p.m. – Steven Allen Jones, 25, arrested on state warrant for parole violation and cited for possession of meth, 1530 Tamarack St., Mountain Shadows Manufactured Home Community. Transported to Linn County Jail.
6:24 p.m. – James Everett Tagen, 40, arrested on Sweet Home warrant for failure to appear on original charge of unauthorized entry into a motor vehicle, Lebanon. Cited and released.
6:43 p.m. – Caller reported finding a baseball cap, 2000 block of Main. Placed in found property.
April 4
4:37 a.m. – Joseph Raphael Gutierrez, 32, arrested on Linn County justice warrant for contempt of court, 1900 block of Main. Cited and released.
5:23 a.m. – Caller reported a male broke into her house, 1500 block of 12th. Report taken.
8:57 a.m. – Caller reported the theft of cash and pills, 4800 block of 48th. Report taken. Loss valued at $40.
11:24 a.m. – Jason Scott Lafond, 30, cited for careless driving in two-vehicle crash, 500 block of Highway 228. Lafond fell asleep at the wheel, according to the police report. Second driver was Justin Robert Jackola, 25. No injuries.
2:45 p.m. – Caller reported a stolen U-Haul truck, 1200 block of Nandina. Report taken.
6:54 p.m. – Caller reported the theft of money from his wallet, 4600 block of Airport Lane. Report taken.
8:40 p.m. – Christine Nicole Killian, 29, arrested on Linn County Justice Court warrant for failure to appear on original charge of failure to appear and charged with second-degree theft, 536 Ninth Ave. Cited and released.
9:15 p.m. – Caller reported a theft, 1540 Main St., Safeway. Loss valued at $30. Report taken.
9:22 p.m. – Marion Lee Gardner, 44, arrested on Linn County warrant for possession of meth, 927 27th Ave. Cited and released.
10:55 p.m. – Caller reported a table with Easter decorations stolen from the porch, 1200 block of 44th. Report taken. Loss valued at $40.
April 3
12:31 a.m. – Joshua Elliott Howell, 32, arrested on a state warrant for parole violation on original charge of kidnapping, 4860 48th Loop. Transported to Linn County Jail.
1:24 a.m. – Caller reported an alarm, 1300 block of Clark Mill. Report taken for burglary.
5:33 a.m. – Kasey Wayne Miller, 25, arrested on Sweet Home warrant for failure to appear on original charge of third-degree theft, Linn County. Cited and released.
8:50 a.m. – Caller reported that someone broke a window in his pickup, 1530 Tamarack St., Mountain Shadows Manufactured Home Community. Report taken. Damage estimated at $80.
9:03 a.m. – Donald William Bennett III, 36, arrested on Ada County, Idaho, warrant for possession of marijuana, 1108 Main St. Transported to Linn County Jail for extradition.
1:47 p.m. – Patrick Lee McNees, 21, cited for driving while suspended and driving uninsured and arrested for third-degree criminal mischief, 4420 Main St. Caller reported a male running into O&M Tire’s fuel tank.
3:05 p.m. – Caller reported a subject living in an RV, 1000 block of Second.
3:39 p.m. – Caller reported improper posting of sign, 15th and Main. Sign removed.
5:24 p.m. – James Anthony Lamb, 54, cited and released in field for third-degree theft, 1530 Main St., Santiam Drug.
9:33 p.m. – Caller reported the theft of his lawnmower, 1300 block of Nandina. Report taken. Loss valued at $500.
10:41 p.m. – James Robert Warrington, 36, cited for city ordinance violation and dog off leash, 877 14th Ave., Sankey Park.
April 2
5:43 a.m. – Timothy David Dean, 29, arrested on Sweet Home warrant for second-degree theft, Albany. Cited and released.
7:50 a.m. – Caller reported a male and female walking into people’s yards and pulling out their flowers, 100 block of Eighth. Officer unable to locate.
11:11 a.m. – Brandon Scott Thomas, 27, arrested on Sweet Home warrant for failure to appear on original charge of second-degree disorderly conduct, Myrtle Creek. Cited and released.
11:54 a.m. – Caller reported that dead trees in neighbor’s yard might be hazardous, 300 block of Seventh. Referred to code enforcement.
12:53 p.m. – James Leroy Salvador, 23, arrested on Linn County warrant for contempt of court on original charge of third-degree theft (owes 14 days in jail) and Lane county warrant for probation violation on original charges of third-degree robbery, possession of meth and failure to appear, 1550 12th Ave. Cited and released.
1:18 p.m. – Jimmie Lee Barton Jr., 41, arrested on Sweet Home warrant for failure to appear on original charge of third-degree theft, Linn County.
2:32 p.m. – Caller reported miscellaneous household items blocking a sidewalk, 1000 block of Third. Referred to code enforcement officer.
2:55 p.m. – Caller reported a vehicle for sale for an extended period of time, 22nd and Main. Referred to code enforcement.
3:40 p.m. – Caller reported household items and junk in a yard, 1400 block of 22nd. Referred to code enforcement.
3:50 p.m. – Caller reported couches sitting in a front yard, 1100 block of Fourth. Referred to code enforcement.
4:45 p.m. – Caller reported a car for sale, 22nd and Main. Referred to code enforcement.
6:01 p.m. – Caller reported items stolen from her room, 3000 block of Main. Report taken. Loss valued at $207.
April 1
1:51 a.m. – Hailee Joe Smith-Daggett, 22, arrested for third-degree theft, 1200 12th Ave., Chewy’s. Cited and released.
2:21 a.m. – Officer located an unattended bicycle, 18th north of tracks. Placed in bike shed.
7:22 a.m. – Brandon Ryan Freeman, 21, arrested on Sweet Home warrant for failure to appear on original charge of second-degree criminal trespass, 952 15th Ave. Cited and released.
12:43 p.m. – Two-vehicle crash, Pleasant Valley and Main. Driver Diana Lynn Pool, 67, transported to Samaritan Lebanon Community Hospital. Second driver was Lorraine Marie Wright, 84.
1:37 p.m. – Caller reported a yard ornament stolen from her front yard, 1300 block of Hawthorne. Report taken. Loss valued at $50.
3:06 p.m. – Three juveniles cited for reckless burning, 1641 Long St., Sweet Home High School. Caller reported three juveniles setting the contents of a garbage can on fire.
3:08 p.m. – Kristopher Scott Clark, 23, arrested on Sweet Home warrant for failure to comply on original charge of third-degree theft, Lebanon. Cited and released.
6:13 p.m. – Caller reported a female who stopped at location, 2200 block of Main, just ran him off the road and was refusing to give him any information. Officer responded and assisted with information exchange. Caller hit the curb after the other vehicle made an unsafe lane change.
8:51 p.m. – Caller reported two males soliciting, Fir Court near Foothills. Officer contacted subjects and advised them of the requirement for a license.
March 31
10:02 a.m. – Caller reported the theft of a cell phone and cash, 3026 Main St., Sun Motel. Report taken.
11:52 a.m. – Caller reported someone breaking into her husband’s truck, 1200 block of 22nd. Report taken. Loss valued at $10.
4:52 p.m. – Caller reported the theft of a cell phone and cash, 5300 block of Main. Report taken.
6:45 p.m. – Caller reported his son’s baseball bag was stolen from the back of a pickup while dining, 4219 Main St. Report taken.
7:28 p.m. – Kent Allen Vannosdall, 22, arrested for unauthorized entry into a motor vehicle and third-degree theft, Wagon Wheel Trailer Court. Cited and released.
March 30
7:42 a.m. – Caller reported a car-versus-log truck crash, 23300 block of West Brush Creek. No injuries. No citations.
12:14 p.m. – Caller reported his 2006 Polaris Sportsman four-wheeler stolen, 28100 block of Scott Mountain. Report taken. Loss valued at $1,200.
4:04 p.m. – Caller reported subjects at the end of Kalmia, Kalmia and 22nd, continue to park their vehicles on the wrong side of the road, facing the wrong direction. Referred to code enforcement.
4:09 p.m. – Caller reported neighbors have placed a basketball hoop in the street in front of their house, 1200 block of Fourth. Referred to code enforcement.
4:19 p.m. – Caller reported the theft of a Craftsman mower worth $2,500, 25600 block of Brush Creek. Report taken.
4:46 p.m. – Caller reported the theft of a bag of medication, 300 W. Holley Road, Stone Brook Apartments. Report taken. Loss valued at $100.
4:54 p.m. – Daniel Lee Adams, 44, arrested on Sweet Home warrant for failure to appear on two original counts of third-degree theft. Cited and released.
5:59 p.m. – Caller reported a peddler without a permit, 22nd and Mountain View. Officer unable to locate.
6:19 p.m. – Caller reported her daughter was assaulted at school by another juvenile, 880 22nd Ave., Sweet Home Junior High. Report taken.
7:06 p.m. – Caller reported subjects setting up camp at the end of Kalmia off 18th. Officer responded. Female was packing a vehicle and waiting for a male to return. They would be moving along shortly. Officer advised them of city ordinance regarding camping within the city limits.
8:37 p.m. – Caller reported a burglary, 1530 Tamarack St., Mountain Shadows Manufactured Home Community. Report taken.
March 28
11 a.m. – Caller reported the theft of a Honda generator worth $2,000, 30000 block of Fairview. Report taken.
12:47 p.m. – A male slipped from a log and possibly broke his hip, Sahalie Falls Viewpoint. Rescuers and others in the area were able to get him out to medics from Sisters.
2 p.m. – Caller reported the theft of his medication, 28100 block of Water Lane. Report taken.