Feb. 23
12:26 a.m. – Joshua Casey Waddell, 31, arrested for criminal trespass and possession of meth, 1540 Main St., Safeway. Transported to Linn County Jail.
8:15 a.m. – Caller reported finding a ladder in his driveway, 600 block of Elm. He will hold it until someone claims it. Information noted.
8:29 a.m. – Caller reported two students had an altercation, 880 22nd Ave., Sweet Home Junior High. It is being handled by school protocol, however one parent wanted an officer involved. Report taken. Investigation continuing.
1:49 p.m. – Willard Wayne Wood, 45, turned himself in on a Sweet Home warrant for contempt of court on original charge of second-degree criminal mischief, 1950 Main St., Sweet Home Police Department. Cited and released.
Feb. 22
10:03 a.m. – Joshua Kelly Whitmore, 31, turned himself in on a Linn County warrant for contempt of court on original charge of driving under the influence and Sweet Home warrant for failure to appear on original charge of driving under the influence, 1950 Main St., Sweet Home Police Department. Cited and released.
1:16 p.m. – While on another call, officer located a possible theft, 4400 block of Main. Report taken.
3:25 p.m. – Kyle William Hadley, 20, cited for driving while suspended, driving uninsured and illegal alteration of license plate (tags replaced on vehicle), 1501 Main St., Speedee Mart.
4:14 p.m. – Caller reported someone broke into her residence and stole her property, 1530 Tamarack St., Mountain Shadows Mobile Home Park. Report taken. Loss valued at $315.
6:42 p.m. – Elisha Marie Adams, 33, arrested on Sweet Home warrant for failure to appear on original charge of providing false information to a police officer, Salem. Transported to Linn County Jail.
8:02 p.m. – Jesse Lane Davis, 19, arrested on Albany warrant for failure to appear on original charge of larceny, 1900 block of Main. Cited and released.
Feb. 21
9:20 a.m. – Caller reported two bicycles missing, 1530 Tamarack St., Mountain Shadows Mobile Home Park. Report taken. Loss valued at $125.
12:59 p.m. – Caller reported neighbor’s dogs are running loose, 900 block of Main. Dogs secured when officer arrived. Owner warned for dogs at large.
1:01 p.m. – Melissa Merlene Nelson, 44, arrested on Lebanon warrant for contempt of court on original charge of probation violation, 1530 Tamarack St., Mountain Shadows Mobile Home Park. Transported to Lebanon Police Department. Jacob Scott Fisher, 29, cited for failure to use a seatbelt.
1:51 p.m. – Jess Thomas Drexler, 38, turned himself in on a Sweet Home warrant for failure to appear on original charge of third-degree theft, 1950 Main St., Sweet Home Police Department.
2:10 p.m. – James David Stedman, 58, arrested on Sweet home warrant for failure to appear on two original charges of driving under the influence, 1595 13th Ave. Transported to Linn County Jail.
4:32 p.m. – Charles John Rice, 60, arrested on Sweet Home warrant for failure to appear on original charge of driving under the influence, Oregon State Police.
6:59 p.m. – Kern Andrew Smith, 19, cited for no license, 1300 block of Clark Mill.
8:15 p.m. – Caller reported that her 13-year-old son was just chased home by two high school students, Husky Field. Report taken. All parties counseled by officer.
11:18 p.m. – Caller reported a serious dog bite victim in the emergency room at Samaritan Lebanon Community Hospital. Caller requested that an officer attempt to locate the dog in the area of the 1000 block of First. Officer unable to locate a dog in the area matching the description. The hospital advised to have victim sign release form and stop by the Police Department to finish the report.
Feb. 20
9:36 a.m. – Caller reported an altercation between two subjects, 1300 block of Clark Mill. Report taken to be forwarded to city attorney.
9:54 a.m. – Caller reported a backpack containing clothing, medication and hygiene items stolen, 3100 block of Main. Report taken. Loss valued at $95.
11:11 a.m. – Caller reported bagged garbage stacked along a house, 2200 block of Main. Referred to code enforcement.
11:12 a.m. – Caller reported furniture and debris in a yard, 2200 block of Larch. Referred to code enforcement.
1:25 p.m. – Caller reported his medication missing, 1200 block of 44th. Report taken.
2:25 p.m. – Caller reported a neighbor allowing his dog to constantly defecate in his yard, 900 block of Main. Referred to code enforcement.
2:25 p.m. – Christopher Earl Anlauf, 38, arrested for harassment (domestic violence), 1530 Tamarack St., Mountain Shadows Mobile Home Park. Transported to Linn County Jail. Caller had reported a male throwing his mother around. Second caller reported a male grabbing her cheek and throat, threatening to hurt children in the house and police officers if they showed up.
4:44 p.m. – Caller reported her granddaughter was bitten by a small dog, 800 block of Seventh. Quarantine issued for dog.
8:06 p.m. – Caller reported two females and a male going door to door asking to shampoo carpets, 1600 block of Fir. Officer located a van and occupants, who did not have a peddler’s license. They said they would pull everyone from the street and leave.
10:39 p.m. – James Andrew Linder, 26, arrested on Sweet Home warrants for failure to appear on four original charges of third-degree theft, Lebanon. Cited and released.
Feb. 19
1:21 a.m. – Donald Ray Walkup Jr., 20, arrested for second-degree theft and four counts of unauthorized entry into a motor vehicle, area of 27th Avenue and Foothills. Transported to Linn County Jail. Officer had located four vehicles with doors open. Registered owner reported a cell phone and binoculars missing in one case.
7:44 a.m. – Caller reported a stolen bicycle, 700 block of 27th. Report taken.
10:07 a.m. – Caller reported that a female took a $20 bill, 1400 block of Elm. Report taken.
10:12 a.m. – Michael Wade Robbins turned himself in on a Sweet Home warrant for failure to comply on original charge of driving under the influence, Lebanon. Cited and released.
10:17 a.m. – Caller reported locks were cut and the back bullpen entered during the night, 1700 block of Main. Report taken. Loss valued at $20.
2:33 p.m. – Caller reported scrap metal all over a yard, 1000 block of Nandina. Referred to code enforcement.
2:55 p.m. – Elizabeth Lynn Brown, 33, cited and released in field on Lebanon warrant for contempt of court and probation violation, 1800 block of Willow.
3:27 p.m. – Caller reported a couch by the sidewalk for the past three weeks, 1100 block of Elm. Referred to code enforcement.
9:48 p.m. – Hugh Hinton Harris, 62, arrested on Sweet Home warrant for probation violation on original charge of contempt of court, 1540 Main St., Safeway parking lot. Cited and released.
Feb. 18
5:23 p.m. – Kevin Wayne Johnston, 22, arrested for second-degree criminal trespass, 921 Oak Terrace. Cited and released.
9:46 a.m. – Caller brought a stolen scooter he purchased using Craigslist to the Sweet Home Police Department, 1950 Main St.
12:16 p.m. – Caller reported that his sister had been raped and the male subject just ran away with her belongings, 1300 block of Poplar. Report taken for theft. The rest of the incident occurred in Albany.
3:47 p.m. – Linsey Mae Northrup, 25, arrested on Sweet Home warrant for failure to appear on original charge of third-degree theft, Lebanon. Cited and released.
4:52 p.m. – Caller reported his neighbor’s dogs are free to run and chase his cats, 4100 block of Long. Officer responded. Dogs contained. Owner warned for dog at large.
5:25 p.m. – David Edward McCracken, 20, cited on Sweet Home warrant for failure to appear on original charge of harassment, Multnomah County.
11:30 p.m. – Donald Ray Walkup Jr., 20, arrested for unauthorized entry into a motor vehicle, third-degree theft and probation violation and cited for possession of less than an ounce of marijuana, 2845 Fir Court. Transported to Linn County Jail. Caller had reported doors open on a vehicle and two males acting suspiciously and leaving the area. Second caller reported the vehicle had been entered and items taken.
Feb. 17
11:41 a.m. – Richard Kenneth Robertson, 59, arrested on Sweet Home warrant for failure to appear on original charge of disorderly conduct, 1950 Main St., Sweet Home Police Department.
11:58 a.m. – Donald Ray Walkup, 20, arrested for third-degree theft, 1540 Main St., Safeway. Cited and released. Caller reported a male had run out of the store without paying for items. Employees retrieved some items. The subject ran west.
1:32 p.m. – Jeffrey Ryan Harris, 21, arrested for third-degree theft, 1950 Main St., Sweet Home Police Department.
1:53 p.m. – Donald Wayne Ames, 51, arrested on Sweet Home warrant for failure to appear on original charge of second-degree criminal trespass, Linn County. Transported to Linn County Jail.
3:28 p.m. – Caller reported a single vehicle in a ditch, 27600 block of Liberty. No injuries. Driver missed a driveway and went into a ditch.
6:29 p.m. – Caller reported that a subject driving a red pickup cutting cookies in the parking lot, destroying the parking lot, 30300 block of Fairview, Turning Point Church. Damage estimated at $100. A deputy located the vehicle and driver. The church wanted the person trespassed from the property but did not want to take any further action.
Feb. 16
6:49 a.m. – Caller reported items stolen during the night, 2405 Main St., Circle K. Report taken.
12:32 p.m. – Zachary Shane Stegner, 29, arrested for three counts of probation violation and cited for driving while suspended, 1364 Main St. Transported to Linn County Jail.
1:57 p.m. – Freddie Leon Seiber, 53, cited for driving while suspended and careless driving and arrested on Lebanon warrant for contempt of court on original charge of second-degree theft, 22nd and Main. Transported to Lebanon Police Department.
7:28 p.m. – Caller reported that a male keeps harassing her on the phone, 1200 block of 46th. Report taken.
9:35 p.m. – Caller reported a male stole a can of beer and left in a maroon Ford Explorer, 1540 Main St., Safeway. Report taken.
10:29 p.m. – Joshua Casey Waddell, 31, arrested for third-degree theft and Marion County warrant for failure to appear on a weapon offense, 2405 Main St., Circle K. Cited and released. Caller had reported that a male who had stolen items during the night was in the store and possibly had stolen more items. Police allegedly located about $23 in stolen merchandise on the suspect.
Feb. 15
1:14 p.m. – Caller reported a possible burglary in a cabin, Fernview Campground. Nothing missing. Report taken.
3:38 p.m. – Caller reported several things had been stolen and returned to a store for money, 1400 block of 47th. Report taken.
3:42 p.m. – Jess Thomas Drexler, 38, arrested on Lebanon warrant for contempt of court on original charge of fraudulent use of a credit card, 4219 Main St. Cited and released.
Feb. 14
5:03 p.m. – Caller reported that someone broke into a cabin and stole two two-way radios worth $60, three folding knives worth about $100 and a hand-held vacuum worth $20, Fernview Campground. Report taken.
5:10 p.m. – Caller reported the theft of two guns, a bolt-action 30-06 and a .22 rifle, 39600 block of Mountain Home. Report taken. Loss valued at $880.
Feb. 13
2:32 a.m. – Single vehicle crashed over an embankment, Old Hufford Road. No injuries. Driver reported he had to move over tot he right side of the single-lane gravel road to allow a semi to passs, and his passenger tires slid off the embankment. The vehicle became high-centered on the gravel shoulder.
10:33 a.m. – Caller reported the theft of an air compressor and a Briggs and Straton motor worth $700, a batter charger worth $136, a tool case worth $185 and a battery worth $25, 25300 block of Brush Creek. Report taken.
3:02 p.m. – Caller reported the theft of a tablet worth $600 from a vehicle, 44800 block of Quartzville. Report taken.
Feb. 12
9:05 a.m. – Caller reported furniture dumped near Marks Ridge 500. Report taken.