
Siletz Tribal Grant Funds Life-Saving Devices for SHFAD

On August 2nd 2024 Sweet Home Fire received grant funds in the amount of $9,235.80 from the Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution Fund. The grant was intended to assist SHFAD with the purchase of 2 automated chest compression devices. The Fire District had 2 of these machines in service prior to the grant, which had been purchased with funding from a separate grant. We now have the ability to place a machine on each of our 4 ambulances. These devices are used in response to cardiac arrest calls, to perform the most effective chest compressions possible, with the least amount of interruptions. This significantly improves survival rates for victims of cardiac arrest. The use of this equipment also decreases the number of rescuers required to effectively treat cardiac arrest patients, allowing rescuers to remain available for additional emergencies. These units arrived last week and were placed in service immediately. Sweet Home Fire wishes to extend our heartfelt thanks to the Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution Fund for their continued commitment to the health and safety of our local communities.
