
Support proposed field burning ban


For many years, throughout Oregon, people who suffer pulmonary problems have pleaded with grass seed growers to ban the burning.

In 1984, in Sweet Home, there was held an organizational meeting. We formed a political action committee called ENUF (End Noxious Unhealthy Fumes). In 1988, the freeway debacle killed seven people, and many, many vehicles were burned and demolished.

In 1991, we finally got the legislature to severely limit the burning. ENUF always stressed “straw utilization” – Paper can be made of it. It can be profitably composted. There are ready markets for both.

So, please, either go to the committee hearings with representative Holvey on HB 3000 on Friday, April 6, at 3 p.m. in the Capitol in Salem; or failing that, call his office at (541)520-9572 and talk to his office manager, David Monk.

Please do your bit to rid the state of this unnecessary and unhealthy smoke.

Bill Johnson

Sweet Home
