
Trailer burns in Foster Lake RV park

Firefighters work to put out a fire that burned a recreational vehicle early on the morning of Dec. 31 at the Foster Lake RV Resort, 6191 Hwy, 20. The fire was reported shortly before 5 a.m. Battalion Chief Eli Harris said flames were burning through the roof by the time firefighters arrived. “We were just praying no one was inside,” he said. Harris said there was some concern that it might spread across the fence to RVs parked in the Country Star RV Park next door, but “we cooled it off fast.” He said attempts to reach “who we were told the owner was” were initially unsuccessful and that the fire is under investigation by Sweet Home police.

Firefighter Tommy Bernt, right, uses a “trash hook” tool to break a window in the burning RV. Photos by Scott Swanson