I support and endorse Angelita Sanchez and Dylan Richards for positions on the Sweet Home City Council and Jami Cate for the House of Representatives District 17 seat.
Angelita is the owner and operator of Angel’s Rock N Roll Construction. As a small business owner and mother of three children, as well as an involved person in TimberUnity, she is busy, to say the least.
Her commitment to the timber and natural resource industries was evident as I listened to her on the State Capitol steps as she demanded that Gov. Brown rethink her stance on the proposed crippling Cap and Trade Legislation, and how that legislation could put her and others out of business.
Angelita is successful due to her great work ethic and commitment. If she tells you she is going to do something, it will get done. Her trucks are not new, but those trucks and drivers, including Angelita, are always busy helping construct and maintain forest roads in a very professional, courteous and proficient manner.
Angelita has really stepped up and become a voice for all of us in Rural Oregon.
Dylan Richards is a sincere person of high integrity and honesty. Since a young age, Dylan has been excited about politics. His aspirations are to eventually end up in Washington D.C. to represent all Oregonians.
His beliefs are very conservative, having received endorsements from Oregon Right to Life and the highest grade of endorsements for a non-incumbent candidate from the National Rifle Association and the Oregon Firearms Federation when he ran for the State House of Representatives District 17 seat. Dylan will receive his degree in political science from Oregon State University, depending upon post COVID-19 scheduling.
Dylan worked at the Office of the Secretary of State, helping past Secretary Dennis Richardson as an outreach coordinator, helping businesses, working on elections and helping with legislative issues. He lists Dennis Richardson as a mentor and advisor.
Dylan is a Sweet Home town boy, growing up in a timber and logging family, and willing to help when and where possible. He has small town values, yet aspires to do whatever he can to help our communities, state and country.
Both Angelita and Dylan want to do everything they can to make Sweet Home a great place to grow up in, work in, live in and grow old in. Both recognize the importance and necessity of fiscal responsibility and accountability.
Jami Cate has the energy to represent us well in Salem. She grew up farming and is quickly learning about forest management issues and concerns. The extreme fire season we are coming out of was unprecedented, and needs to be a reminder that good forest management and adequate forest firefighting funding is paramount.
We cannot have fire on the landscape unchecked in the middle of August. There are times of the year when fire is an excellent tool to mitigate forest fuels that carry and intensify fire behaviors.
Jami is open-minded and listens to those of us who live with fire all year long. Jami has an eye toward great Oregon agriculture and great Oregon forests, both public and private. Jami understands and supports best management practices. Jami agrees that clean air and clean water are very important, and that can be maintained with healthy farms and forests.
Jami is a really good “people person” and wants to make sure residents and businesses in her district are heard and supported.
Please join me to elect Angelita Sanchez and Dylan Richards to Sweet Home City Council and Jami Cate to the Oregon House of Representatives.
Milton I. Moran Jr.
President, Cascade Timber Consulting, Inc.
Sweet Home, Oregon