
2024 Oregon Jamboree

This year’s Oregon Jamboree saw a total of close to 35,000 attendees over the weekend, with an uncounted number of attendees who attended the kick off party. 

According to Katie Schrock, the marketing director for the Oregon Jamboree, this event would have not been possible without the community or the nearly 1,000 volunteers that dedicated their time to making the event possible. 

During the winter, the Sweet Home Fire and Ambulance District (SHFAD) held a tabletop exercise to discuss possible issues at the event. According to Fire Chief Nick Tyler, representatives from the Sweet Home Police Department, Linn County Sheriff’s Department and the SHFAD all attended. Tyler discussed the level of team work and dedication that all partners have, to ensure a safe and fun jamboree weekend. Tyler also mentioned the belief that this year was one of the best planned events to date. 

“From the fire district’s perspective, the jamboree weekend went great,” Tyler stated. “We would like to thank all the partners and volunteers who make the jamboree happen; It’s a great event for the Sweet Home area.” 

This year’s jamboree saw growth in different places as the kick off party, free to the public, was the biggest to date according to Schrock. During this kick off party, Country Financial made two donations to local organizations, the Sweet Home Football Program and the Lebanon Police Department. This was the first time one organization made multiple donations. 

Another event prior to gates opening, was the growing Stompeders dance contest, bringing in people from all over the northwest and beyond. The qualifiers group was so large the dance contest had to have their semi finals take place prior to the gates opening. 

“It’s really fun to support the line dance and swing dance community,” Schrock said. “Not only in the Northwest but even reaching as far as Nevada and Arizona now.”  

According to Schrock, Pecos & The Rooftops and Runaway June had phenomenal turnouts. Runaway June even came off the stage in tears, as it was the first time thousands of people pulled out their flashlights for them. 

“It was a pretty cool experience,” Schrock stated. “[We’re] very proud and honored to be a part of that for them.”  

During the jamboree, Cole Swindel brought in the biggest crowd Friday night, with Gary Allen bringing in a decent crowd as well. 

Going forward, there are new things to look forward to. According to Robert Shamek, the event coordinator, they’re looking to go back to their roots, doing a 90’s country day on both stages for the entirety of one day. This day will be themed with fun things taking place at campgrounds. Shamek also discussed how much attendees gravitated towards Sankey Park and the quality of bands. 

“I think we’re going to announce that here soon,” Shamek said about next year’s one day theme. “[We] will possibly have some bigger names over there next year, which is pretty fun.”
