The Sweet Home Band Program has recently finalized its 2024 annual band camp, Aug. 8.
The idea of a band camp began last year as the band director, Lori Tuter, hoped to introduce those attending to pep band music as well as get herself familiar. The group grew to only about 15 kids, whereas this year the group is well over 30. This year’s camp also saw returning alumni attend and even allowed for the band kids to practice their march on the field.
Cheana Smith, a senior in the band program, mentioned how much she enjoyed this camp.
“It’s been very fun,” she said. “[But I] prefer playing over marching.”
Smith is also a member of the Band Council along with senior Dylan Thompson, sophomore Colten Harrison and six others. All these members attended a Band Council retreat that took place July 10-12 in Tillamook.
It was during this camp that Harrison brought up his interest in marching. When the council came back, they put this idea into action. They were able to practice their marching during this camp. According to Tuter, in order for the group to be able to begin their marching, there is a financial aspect that must be met.
“The school district is super excited about this program and super excited to help us start a marching band,” Tuter said. “[But] it’s about $10,000 just to start the marching band this year.”
That number came from crunching numbers based on repairs, uniforms and equipment needed in order for them to march. Tuter stated they need four new drums, new symbols, a new sousaphone and quads.The group continues to practice nonetheless, as most of the kids are excited to just make progress in learning.
“We’ve made a lot of progress,” alumni Jaycee Brunson said. “We started at nothing.”
The group was also able to try out a set of authentic Sweet Home Band uniforms. According to Tuter, these uniforms had not been used for almost 40 years. These uniforms however are unable to be used in their marches, as the uniforms can’t be altered to allow for different sizes. This hasn’t stopped Tuter in looking for other uniforms.
The Sweet Home Band program plans to make an appearance at a future football game with hopes to march in local parades. If interested in donating to the program, contact Lori Tuter at the high school.