B&G Club indoor soccer, track sign-up deadline Feb. 11

February 06, 2011

The Boys and Girls Club registration deadline for first- through sixth-grade indoor soccer and second- through fifth-grade track is 6 p.m. on Feb. 11.

If the deadline is missed, children will be put on a waiting list and added if there is room on teams.

The cost for indoor soccer and track is $50, plus a current membership card. Baseball and softball will overlap with indoor soccer and track at some levels.

Registration deadlines for baseball, softball and coach pitch are March 4, March 11 and April 15 respectively. The costs of these sports vary by age and level.

Children must be 6 years old to participate in Boys and Girls Club programs.

Registration paperwork needs to be filled out at the Club. Please do not call the Club to register.

The Club is always looking for quality coaches and sponsors.

Those interested in coaching or being a sponsor should contact the Club.

For further information call (541) 367-6421.
