
City Dedicates Web Page for Drawdown Information

As the second annual deep drawdown at Green Peter Reservoir moves into its third week of aggressively releasing waters, the City of Sweet Home announced its web page where updated information can be found on the matter.

The website, found at SweetHomeOR.gov/publicworks/page/green-peter-drawdown-water-quality-information-2024 (or bit.ly/40sWFPZ), will be updated at least weekly with water quality testing information and other relevant information.

In accordance with a federal court order, the 2024 drawdown of Green Peter Reservoir by the US Army Corps of Engineers has begun. When the first drawdown occurred in fall 2023, the city had noticeable impacts to water quality coming from the water intake at Foster Dam. Raw water from Foster is processed at the city’s water treatment plant and distributed to city water service customers.

This year’s drawdown began in mid-October and the city has since observed elevated turbidity at Green Peter and Foster reservoirs on Oct. 29, but reported it had not yet been cloudy enough to impact the water plant. However, the city anticipates turbidity will rise rapidly soon. As such, residents may see some discoloration of their water due to the turbidity, or a change in smell due to necessary changes to the treatment methods. Despite those changes, the city ensures all water is tested for quality and safety before it goes to a home or business. If anyone experiences issues with their water that they think may be of concern, they are asked to contact the Public Works Department at 541.367.6359.

While the City of Sweet Home has no jurisdiction over the lakes and dams, it has taken steps to enhance operations at the water treatment plant since 2023 and will continue to monitor water quality regularly throughout the drawdown.

The City of Sweet Home also issued an emergency declaration that will allow the city to quickly access emergency supplies should significant issues with the water occur. The emergency declaration does not mean that the water is not safe for consumption; it is a proactive measure to show Linn County and other emergency partners that the city is ready to act if necessary. The public will be notified if there are any concerns that may impact the residents’ ability to use city water.

At the city’s web page dedicated to monitoring the drawdown (bit.ly/40sWFPZ) can be found additional links to further information and a weekly water monitoring report. Further information can be found at the US Army Corps of Engineers’ web page: nwp.usace.army.mil/Locations/Willamette-Valley/Injunction/.
