Dancers earn two trophies at West Albany season opener

In the dance team’s first competition of the year at West Albany Saturday, they packed home two trophies.

Despite problems with the playing of their tape, the girls took fourth place in small group jazz, the first of their three performances.

“They had to start our music over four times, even though we had a run through practice earlier,” said coach Traci Gagner. “Then they stopped it too soon. But the girls handled it well.”

In the evening session, things went smoothly as the girls participated in the hip-hop and novelty competition. Though they were up against several 4A schools, they finished third in novelty with their medical emergency theme.

“We placed where we should have,” said Gagner. “We could have more attitude and energy and project better. They brought their routine, but they didn’t sell the show.”

Overall, Gagner was still pleased and it gave her a chance to evaluate the dancers.

“We got to see how the girls perform under pressure and what their confidence level is in front of a crowd,” stated Gagner. “That will help us decide who is ready at a varsity level.”

The dance routines were all one time show performances that they will only use again as half-time entertainment at Husky basketball games or assemblies. Now they will be busy preparing their routine for upcoming competitions using a vacation theme and refining the act as they set their sights on placing at state in March.
