Events: Aug. 7, 2024 issue

Movie in the Park

Sweet Home Public library will play “Jurassic World” for its Movies in the Park event, with kids activities beginning at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 9, at Sankey Park, 877 14th Ave.


Soccer Camp

Soccer Camp will be from 9-11 a.m. Monday through Thursday, Aug. 12-15, at Husky Field.

Soccer Camp is for kids in grades 1-8, and is free of charge this year. Sign up on the first day. Bring water, shin guards and cleats. The high school girls soccer team will be coaching the camp. For more information, contact Santana at 541.409.7143.


Free Well Nitrates Testing

Oregon State University Extension Service will provide free nitrate testing for those with domestic wells from 2-6 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 13, at the Farmers’ Market, 1141 12th Ave.

Nitrate is a contaminant in groundwater that can cause health issues. It is important to test at least once a year and regularly in homes with infants, pregnant women and immune-compromised individuals. It is not naturally occurring, so if nitrate appears it is possible that other contaminants have reached the groundwater.

To get a free nitrate test at the screening, bring about 1/2 a cup of unfiltered well water in a clean container. The test will take less than 10 minutes if the clinic is not busy. Various educational resources will be available concerning nitrate, other contaminants, well water and septic-related topics.

For additional information on well water and septic systems, free Rural Living Basics classes, and other nitrate screening events, visit the OSU Extension Service website For more information, call 541.713.5009.


Monthly Women’s Meeting

After 5 Connection will host its monthly dinner and program from 6-7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 13, at Ma’s Restaurant, 2416 S. Santiam Hwy., Lebanon.

This month’s presentation, “Honey, Bee There” will include Richard Murry, of Somebody’s Bees ’n’ Honey. As summer finally comes into full swing here on the 1900 farms, we are reminded of the importance of bees to the farm. Honeybees are one of nature’s most important helpers and are essential to the human food supply. You are sure to enjoy hearing the fascinating story of these awesome little honeybees.

Malika and Kami Knebel will provide musical entertainment, and guest speaker, Pat Smith, from Pocatello, Idaho, will share about her biggest challenge – 18 years in a maximum security women’s prison.

Cost to attend and dine is $18; please no credit cards. For reservations, contact Sherri at 541.258.6414, or Nancy at 541.259.1396 or via email at [email protected].


Health Fair

The annual Sweet Home Community Health Fair will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 17, at the high school, 1641 Long St.

The free event offers a diverse range of healthcare services, including Samaritan Health Services, Ridgeway Health, KidCo Head Start, CHANCE, Linn-Benton Housing Authority, Lumina Hospice & Palliative Care, Center Against Rape and Domestic Violence, Linn County Mental Health, SHEM, Manna, 211 Emergency, Family Assistance and Resource Center Group, Linn County Alcohol and Drug, plus many more.

Free resources include health screenings, school backpacks, housing services, mental health resources, services for seniors, physical health resources and more.


Gardening: Harvesting and Preservation

Master Gardeners will make themselves available for a “Garden Q&A” of sorts from 10-11:30 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 17, at the Lebanon Senior Center, 80 Tangent St.

The topics of discussion will be “When do you know when to harvest?” and “Ways to preserve your produce.” There will be time for any garden questions. For more information, contact Sheryl Casteen via email at [email protected].


Community Dinners

Sunshine Industries invites the public to a free dinner every Monday from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at 1333 Clark Mill Road. Because everyone matters.


Health Summit

The Linn, Benton, Lincoln Partners for Health Coalition will host the 2024 Annual Community Health Summit from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Aug. 23. Location to be announced later.

The annual community health summit has been hosted by the Partners for Health Coalition since 2011. They have focused on such topics as childhood obesity, culinary education, holistic living, chronic disease prevention, adverse childhood experiences, screen time, food insecurity, generational poverty, mental health services and more.

The community health summits have been geared for both community members as well as community organizations and historically were conducted in person. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the coalition transferred the summits to a virtual format with the 2022 summit being the first summit to be hosted in a hybrid model (both in person and over Zoom).

For more information, visit


Tomato Day in Lebanon

The Lebanon Downtown Farmers’ Market and Santiam Food Alliance will host Tomato Day from 2-6 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 29, on the corner of Grant and Main streets in Lebanon.

The community is invited to admire, taste and stock up on tomatoes at the market. There will be tastings of dozens of unusual and often beautiful tomato varieties from the market farmers and club gardens. An Oregon State University Extension Master Food Preserver will offer information on drying and canning tomatoes, a Master Gardener will provide advice on growing them, and volunteers will offer free samples of tomato-based foods.

The Lebanon Downtown Farmers’ Market happens every Thursday from 2 to 6 p.m. between late May and late October at the corner of Grant and Main, Lebanon.



Master Gardener Sheryl Casteen brings back the second annual Tomatofest on Saturday, Sept. 28, at the Lebanon Senior Center, 80 Tangent St., Lebanon.

As many as 101 varieties of tomatoes were available to sample last year. The event includes food preservation techniques, seed swapping and vendors, as well as a Master Gardener Clinic table.

For more information, contact Sheryl Casteen via email at [email protected]. Do not call the Senior Center.


Volunteers, Donations Needed at Museum

East Linn Museum is seeking volunteers and items that are needed for the operation of the museum.

The museum needs volunteers for its operations to replace retiring volunteers. New volunteers are not required to know anything about the museum or how to operate a computer. The museum operates three days a week from Thursday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Supplies needed by the museum include: copy paper, postage stamps, legal size envelopes, paper towels, toilet paper, glass cleaner, all purpose cleaner and Ajax.
For more information, call the museum at 541.367.4580.


Community Market

The City of Sweet Home Community Market will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays until Sept. 21 at 1141 12th Ave., next to the library. Vendor booths might include crafts, bakery items, art, fundraisers, kid and teen entrepreneurs, used items, vintage items, and community non-profits.

To be a vendor at no charge, fill out the registration form online at


Farmers’ Market

Farmers’ Market will be held from 2-6 p.m. on Tuesdays until Oct. 19  at 1141 12th Ave., next to the library.

Vendors are selling hot food, fresh vegetables, vegetable plants, baked goods, meat, eggs, honey, flowers, mushrooms, fruit and more.


Albany Farmers Market

The Albany Farmers Market will be open every Saturday until  Nov. 23 located in the City Hall parking lot and on an adjacent street that fronts the Linn County Courthouse. The Albany Farmers Market is the oldest continuously operated open-air farmers market in Oregon. For more information visit

