Events: Sept. 4, 2024

Swim Club Tryouts

The Sweet Home Swim Club will host tryouts at 5 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 5, at the high school pool, 1641 Long St.

The tryout consists of swimming a continuous 25 yards one length of the pool freestyle and coming back with a continuous 25 yards backstroke. Based on your swimming ability, you will be directed to one of the four swimming groups (bronze, silver, gold and platinum).

For questions regarding tryouts or the club, contact [email protected] or call the pool facility at 541.367.7169.


Ask Your Master Gardener

Linn County Master Gardeners will host a free Demonstration Faire from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 7, at 185 Main St., Brownsville.

Meet your Linn County Master Gardeners.”Master your Garden” is a new project designed to answer your questions. Ask about beginning gardening, plant problems, soil, compost, container gardening, seasonal gardening, storing seeds, insects, benefits of native plants, gardening for kids and more.

Also, tour the local community garden and check out the native plant sale.


Class of ‘58 Reunion

The Sweet Home High School Class of 1958 Annual Multi-Class Reunion Potluck Picnic – including Class of 1953 thru 1963 – is planned for Sunday, Sept. 8, from 12-4 p.m. at Roberts Parks in Sweet Home.

Bring lawn chairs, your drinks and a side dish of your choice to share. Rain or Shine. If you have questions, call 541.405.9458.


Chili Cook-Off

Wiley Creek will host its annual Chili Cook-Off from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 14, at 4950 Mountain Fir St., Sweet Home.

There will be live entertainment and awards given for first, second and third places. There is a suggested $5 donation from the public to sample the entries (residents eat free); proceeds benefit the Alzheimer Association.

To enter the chili contest, call 541.367.1800.


Square Dance

Sweet Home Squarenaders will host square dance lessons on Sundays beginning Sept. 15 from 2:45-4:30 p.m. at the Foster Elementary School gym, 5526 Poplar St.

First two lessons are free; $5 per lesson thereafter. No partner required. Mainstream level for beginners. For more information, contact Rod Stidham at 541.367.4939.


Healing Gardens Concerts

ArtsCare hosts a new summer concert from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Wednesday at Samaritan Lebanon Community Hospital’s Healing Garden, 525 N Santiam Hwy., Lebanon.

Linger as you eat, socialize, read or stroll through the gardens. Staff and volunteers will be available to offer tours and information about volunteer opportunities and upcoming garden activities. The series runs through Sept. 18, featuring Sabina Monn, and is open to all to attend.

The ArtsCare musicians who perform these concerts are specially trained to provide music in a healing environment. To learn more about ArtsCare, visit


Monthly Women’s Meeting

After 5 Connection will host its monthly dinner and program from 6-7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 17, at Ma’s Restaurant, 2416 S. Santiam Hwy., Lebanon.

This month’s presentation, “I Love Goat Soap,” will include Colette Kemper, of Midnight Oil Farms, a family owned and operated business making soaps and shampoos. She will share about the many wonderful products her farm produces and sells from fresh goat milk and other ingredients, oils and butters with specific properties that benefit skin and hair. You are sure to enjoy hearing all about this interesting farm and business.

Guest speaker will be Tracey Mason, from Kuna, Idaho, to speak on “That One Call.” “When life stops in unfamiliar places that you never wanted to visit, it can be traumatic.” Join Tracey in a journey where God’s mercy, love and provision were  present when everything seemed to be plummeting.

Cost to attend and dine is $18; please no credit cards. For reservations, contact Sherri at 541.258.6414, or Nancy at 541.259.1396 or via email at [email protected].


Socks for Firefighters

Servpro of Linn and Benton Counties is collecting socks for wildland firefighters.

Socks must be new and made of natural fibers (cotton, wool). They will be distributed to help keep our firefighters comfortable while out there fighting fires.

Drop off socks by Sept. 20 during business hours at the Sweet Home Chamber of Commerce, 1575 Main St., or the Lebanon Chamber of Commerce, 1040 S Park St.


Community Dinners

Sunshine Industries invites the public to a free dinner every Monday from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at 1333 Clark Mill Road. Because everyone matters.



Sheriff’s Citizen’s Academy

The Linn County Sheriff’s Office is accepting applicants for the upcoming Citizens Academy, to be held weekly September to November.

The program offers a unique and detailed look into the dynamic operations of LCSO. The nine-week Fall academy runs from Sept. 18 to Nov. 13, held 6-9 p.m. every Wednesday. There will also be one Sunday field trip to the firearms range and Animal Control; date to be determined later.

Students are introduced to each of our divisions and specialty teams. They receive classroom instruction and hands-on training in areas such as patrol, detectives, corrections, firearms, defensive tactics, traffic enforcement, narcotics investigations, swift water rescue and dive recovery, prisoner transport, and search and rescue.

The atmosphere at the Citizens Academy is fun and informative for attendees 18 years and older. Applications will be considered for those as young as 16, provided they take part with a parent or guardian.

For more information, contact Community Services Specialist Michael Mattingly at [email protected].


Chorus Rehearsal Invitation

The Lebanon Community Chorus is inviting new singers for its upcoming winter performance season. Rehearsals begin Sept. 12 and are held every Thursday (holidays excepted) from 7-9 p.m. at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 1955 S 5th St., Lebanon

Registration is $30 and can be done in person during the first three rehearsals, or online at Feel free to observe rehearsal first to get to know the group better

before deciding to register.

Director Terence Madlangbayan will lead the chorus in a performance of Vivaldi’s “Gloria” as part of the winter concert, “Reflections of Life,” which takes place Nov. 24. Bill Langdon is the piano accompanist. Previously, LCC was led by a community volunteer, but now there is a professionally trained music director to lead the small ensemble.

The LCC is made up of nearly 50 talented singers from Albany, Brownsville, Lebanon, Sweet Home and surrounding areas. This non-auditioned chorus is open to all voices 16 years and older.

For more information, send an email to [email protected], leave a voicemail at 541.730.3335, or contact Board President Doug Young at 541.570.5474.


Learn to Square Dance

Lebanon Square Circlers announces this year’s square dance lessons will start at 6:30-8 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 15, at the Lebanon Senior Center, 80 Tangent St.

Each class, held every Sunday, is $6 per person or $15 for a family of three or more; the first class is free.

No partner is required to participate. Organizers point out that modern square dance is a great way to get low-impact exercise, stimulate the brain, and have a lot of fun in a family friendly, and smoke- and alcohol-free environment. No previous dance experience is necessary.

Those who enjoy line and contra dancing are invited to check out “our brand” of American folk dancing. Classes are taught by Shaun McKamey. For more information, call 541.401.9780 or visit


Small Farms Program Webinars

Oregon State University Extension Service Small Farms Program will host a monthly livestock webinar series from Fall 2024 through Spring 2025.

The series is ideal for farmers currently raising and caring for livestock in Oregon, as well as those interested in getting started with livestock. Taught by OSU Extension faculty and staff, these webinars cover a range of valuable information on all aspects of livestock operations. Topics will include nutrition, breeding, buying and selling livestock, managing mud and manure, meat processing, marketing and more.

The webinar series will start Tuesday, Sept. 24, from 5:30-7 p.m., with Nutrition for Ruminants by speaker Dr. Shelby Filley. This webinar will be tailored specifically to cattle producers. Topics will include nutrient requirements and optimal feeding strategies to maximize health, productivity, and efficiency in cattle operations.

The cost to attend each webinar is $5. Pre-registration is required. Participants will be sent a link to join the webinar after registration. To register or learn more, visit or contact Carrie Mack at 541.237.6808 or email [email protected].



Master Gardener Sheryl Casteen brings back the second annual Tomatofest from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 28, at the Lebanon Senior Center, 80 Tangent St., Lebanon.

As many as 101 varieties of tomatoes were available to sample last year. The event includes food preservation techniques, seed swapping and vendors, as well as a Master Gardener Clinic table.

For more information, contact Sheryl Casteen via email at [email protected]. Do not call the Senior Center.


Volunteers, Donations Needed at Museum

East Linn Museum is seeking volunteers and items that are needed for the operation of the museum.

The museum needs volunteers for its operations to replace retiring volunteers. New volunteers are not required to know anything about the museum or how to operate a computer. The museum operates three days a week from Thursday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Supplies needed by the museum include: copy paper, postage stamps, legal size envelopes, paper towels, toilet paper, glass cleaner, all purpose cleaner and Ajax.
For more information, call the museum at 541.367.4580.


Community Market

The City of Sweet Home Community Market will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays until Sept. 21 at 1141 12th Ave., next to the library. Vendor booths might include crafts, bakery items, art, fundraisers, kid and teen entrepreneurs, used items, vintage items, and community non-profits.

To be a vendor at no charge, fill out the registration form online at


Harvest Festival

Sweet Home’s annual Harvest Festival will be held from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 5, at Sankey Park, 847 14th Ave.

Activities include pumpkin painting, tree climbing, kid zone games, face painting, photo booth, bouncy house and slide, and pie bake-off and chili cook-off contests. More than 60 vendors will be on site with crafts, goodies, gifts and treats.

Taste pie entries for $3; sponsored by the Park and Tree Committee, proceeds benefit park projects. Taste the chili entries for $5 per person or $10 per family. Sponsored by Radiator Supply House and the Road Maggot Motorcycle group, proceeds benefit the Sweet Home Kids Food Pak, providing weekend meals to around 130 local kids each week.


Farmers’ Market

Farmers’ Market will be held from 2-6 p.m. on Tuesdays until Oct. 19  at 1141 12th Ave., next to the library.

Vendors are selling hot food, fresh vegetables, vegetable plants, baked goods, meat, eggs, honey, flowers, mushrooms, fruit and more.


Albany Farmers Market

The Albany Farmers Market will be open every Saturday until  Nov. 23 located in the City Hall parking lot and on an adjacent street that fronts the Linn County Courthouse. The Albany Farmers Market is the oldest continuously operated open-air farmers market in Oregon. For more information visit
