Dr. Larry Horton
District 55 Supt.
The Sweet Home School District would like to invite all of our citizens to visit our schools during Back to School Week, April 26-30. Back to School Week generally draws hundreds of citizens into our local schools. It provides our community with a first-hand glimpse of today’s education scene.
Back to School Week started in 2000 when Governor Kitzhaber pledged to participate in the event and encouraged all Oregonians to join him. The event now has the backing from the Oregon Business Council, Oregon AARP, the Oregon Retired Teacher’s Association and the Oregon School Boards Association. Many civic organizations and local governments also support and participate in the week long activities.
Why do these groups support this week of activities? Why is it important to bring our citizens into our schools? Today, more than ever, the old adage “It takes an entire village to raise a child” is especially appropriate. Over 70% of today’s voters do not have children in school. This means that many of our citizens have no idea what is really happening in our Sweet Home Schools. Despite this fact, we continually ask our citizens to support our schools.
Far too often we only hear about the negatives facing our schools and our youth. We hear about poor behaviors and the lack of respect in our students. We hear about drug and alcohol problems. We hear about teen pregnancies and a lack of respect for other people’s property. Do we have these issues in Sweet Home, you bet. However, I would guess to say that 95% of the students in Sweet Home are great young people and most have few, if any, of the problems listed above. The other 5% are great kids also; they simply require more of our help and direction. It is time to see and learn about the positives going on in our schools.
Every school in our district is providing opportunities for our citizens to visit them during Back to School Week. We have great students and great staffs that would love to share some time with you. Listed below are scheduled activities that are taking place throughout the district. Come join us so you can see first hand the positives that are going on in our schools. If these dates do not work, please call your local school and talk with the principal. Set up a time in which you can visit. If you have questions for me, please drop in at the District Office (1920 Long Street) or call me at 367-7126.
A lot has changed since I went to school, my guess is a lot has changed since you went to school also. What better way to understand these changes and see the positives than to come see first hand what our Sweet Home Schools are doing. Come back to school and see for yourself. Come join us in our “Back to School Activities” April 26-30.