
Hawthorne Celebrates ‘Knock Out Hunger’ Event

Hawthorne Principal Mark Looney pushes the first cereal box to begin the toppling of more than 1,500 boxes. Photos by Sarah Brown

Hawthorne Elementary School celebrated its “Knock Out Hunger” event with its annual cereal box domino “serpentine” and other entertainment on Tuesday, Nov. 26.

Counselor Stefani Brown gives her best performance as a turkey singing, “Gobble Gobble.”

Students and staff used the better part of November collecting cereal, with classes competing to see who could bring in the most cereal boxes. Donating “Milk Money” also counted toward the competition.

It was reported that last year the school collected just over 1,000 boxes of cereal, so this year they aimed to collect 1,100 boxes. This year, Hawthorne kids and staff brought in 1,582 boxes of cereal, far exceeding the goal. Summer Anderson’s class took first place, bringing in 348 boxes, while Colleen Unger’s class came in second (205) and Jerika Spencer’s class came in third (163).

In a special assembly on Tuesday, staff filled the gym with the cereal, lining the boxes up in a domino run to be toppled over. The classes sat along the four walls of the room, and children waved black and gold pom poms as they cheered for the event. Principal Mark Looney set off the domino effect with a simple nudge of the first box, and for the next one to two minutes the entire room chanted “knock it down” as the boxes fell over.

Behavior Specialist Darlene Davis kisses a goat to fulfill her obligation for the school reaching a goal of collecting 1,100 cereal boxes.

But that wasn’t the only reward the kids earned for reaching their goal. Darlene Davis, the school’s behavior specialist, kissed a goat. Also, staff wore blow up and turkey costumes all day, one teacher dyed her hair, one staff member dressed like an old lady, Counselor Stefani Brown performed the “Gobble Gobble” song, and the kids got an extra recess.

Secretaries Jessica Barrett and Carrie Brown performed a dance-off while wearing their blow up costumes. By a show of cheers, Barrett won that competition. Students Colt Keeney and Emmett Villines were given the honor of smooshing a pie in the face of teachers Brittany Kauffman and Amber Rosa, while Braiden Clark and Willow Goble got to “shave” Principal Looney’s head. Since a shaver was not available, however, he helped them carefully cut his hair.

The boxes of cereal will go toward the school’s Food Pak kids and Sweet Home Emergency Ministries.
