Linn County reveals potential cyber hack 

By Alex Paul
Linn County Communications Officer

Linn County Commission Chair Roger Nyquist announced Tuesday, Jan. 14, at the commissioners’ weekly meeting, that law enforcement officials are looking into whether a hacker may have stolen a payment made by the county.

During the “announcements” portion of the meeting, Nyquist made the following statement:

“We learned last Wednesday (Jan. 8) that the Linn County Treasurer’s Office submitted an electronic payment in December to a vendor with whom we have a longstanding business relationship, but the vendor states they did not receive it.

“Upon looking further into the payment, it was learned this was likely the result of a criminal act. Given our commitment to being responsible stewards of Linn County taxpayer dollars, law enforcement (the Linn County Sheriff’s Office) was contacted.

“Authorities shared after an initial review there is no indication that Linn County systems have been infiltrated or that any Linn County employee was involved in the crime. There is also no belief that any Linn County data, including personal information, has been compromised. It is not anticipated that any services provided to residents by Linn County will be negatively affected.

“The Sheriff’s Office has spoken with the FBI about this issue.

“Authorities have asked us not to comment on the details of this investigation and we are complying with that request. At this time, no further statements or details will be released.

“When we have all of the facts in this matter, and can disclose those facts without compromising the investigation, we will make that information available to the public.”

Emergency Services Funding, Staffing

Linn County commissioners Roger Nyquist, Sherrie Sprenger and Will Tucker approved several resolutions Tuesday morning, Jan. 14,  dealing with funding for emergency services, from assisting with staffing expenses to making progress on the new emergency fire radio project at Cougar Rock, northeast of Sweet Home.

Linn County Sheriff’s Office Capt. Andy Fountain brought the proposals before the commissioners, starting with asking for acceptance of an Emergency Management Program Grant from FEMA through the Oregon Department of Emergency Management for about $92,000. This money pays for about half of the cost of emergency management personnel.

The commissioners approved a lease agreement with the Oregon Department of Forestry to house radio equipment at the Cougar Rock Communications site.

They also accepted a $61,633 grant from the Oregon Department of Emergency Management to assist in the purchase of emergency radio equipment for the Linn County Fire Radio System at the Cougar Rock Communication site and approved the purchase of Zetron radio equipment for $200,269.43 to be placed at the site.

The commissioners also approved a grant agreement with the Oregon Department of Emergency Management Homeland Security Grant for $90,878. The money will be used to purchase a mobile security/surveillance trailer equipped with multiple high-resolution cameras on an expandable mast that will allow monitoring at special events and gatherings in the county.

In other business, the commissioners:

  • Approved the annual Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund Plan proposal presented by Special Transportation Coordinator Reagan Maudlin. Funds support local transportation systems such as the Sweet Home Dial-A-Ride, Lebanon LINX and Albany Transit System.
  • Were told by Planning & Building Director Steve Wills that 42 land use permits were issued in December. There were 18 new building permits issued. There were 10 new code enforcement cases opened and 14 closed.
  • Accounting Officer Bill Palmer said that halfway through the 2024-25 fiscal year, department heads are holding a tight rein on expenses. Only about 42% of the General Fund has been spent; 27% of the Road Fund; 36% of the Law Enforcement Levy; and 25% of the Health Fund.
  • Discussed upcoming Solid Waste annual contracts that will soon be open for review with Shane Sanderson of the Environmental Health Department.
  • Dismissed the meeting and opened the 4-H and Extension Service District meeting, in which Sprenger was elected chair and Tucker was elected vice-chair.
  • Approved bid advertisements from the Road Department for the Peoria Road Bridge Replacement and Cox Creek/Goldfish Farm Road Bridge Replacement projects.

