Kris Newport and Colton Schilling were named Most Outstanding Wrestlers during the Sweet Home wrestling team’s annual awards banquet held on March 10, attended by nearly 300 people at the high school cafeteria.
Schilling also received the Most Falls and Most Takedowns awards with 44 of each. Tyler Cowger was just shy of Schilling for Most Takedowns, with 43. The Most Takedowns award goes to the wrestler who has the most initial takedowns during the season.
Mothers Emma Kier and Patricia Schilling received the Extra Mile Award for their support of the team.
Alex Armstrong and Kyle Hummer earned the Workhorse Award.
Wade Paulus and Newport received the Iron Man Award.
Justin Nicholson was Rookie of the Year.
On the lighter side, Coach Steve Thorpe gave the “Most Weight Gained” Award to Trevor Olson who put on 23.8 pounds. The “Can’t Pin” Award went to Cowger, who led the team with nine major decisions and one technical fall but never pinned anyone.
The “Lucky Thorpe Didn’t Kill You” Award went to Jacob Jewell, who was lucky Thorpe didn’t kill him when he found out that Jewell was six pounds over his weight limit on the second night of regional meet.
Letter winners were: seniors Mike Harry, Kyle Hummer, Jacob Jewell, John Markert, Kris Newport and Kyle Sorenson; juniors Alex Armstrong, Ty Harvey, Raul Hernandez, Chance Jucutan and Scottie Stockman; sophomores Tyler Cowger, Colby DeCleve, Zach Gill, Colton Holly, Mitch Keenon, Brian Malloy, Nate Melcher, Trever Olson, Wade Paulus and Colton Schilling; and freshmen Justin Nicholson and Ian Search.
“I am proud of this group,” Thorpe said. “Every senior has plans after graduation. Jacob Jewell enters the Army in July and the rest will be attending college.”