The Sweet Home High School recently became aware of threats made towards the high school; parents, students and staff in the district were notified via the ParentSquare app, Aug. 13.
“Out of an abundance of caution, we are notifying students, staff, parents and guardians that an individual believed to be a student posted a warning about a threat of violence at Sweet Home High School for the second week of school in September,” the district said. “We are working closely with law enforcement authorities to investigate the matter thoroughly and ensure that appropriate measures are in place to provide a safe learning environment for everyone at school.
The message also urged parents and guardians to talk to their kids about how to report suspicious behavior.
These threats were brought to police attention from the FBI. Confirmed by Police Chief Jason Ogden, the threats originated from the social media app, Snapchat. After police investigated the student making the threats, the department determined the risk to be unsubstantiated.
Due to these threats however, requests for extra police personnel at the high school were put in during the second week of school, extra police officers will be at the high school.
Officers at the high school will not only be there for the potential threats, as according to Ogden, officers will use this as an opportunity to try and strengthen relationships with students.
“Our primary concern is the safety of our students and staff,” stated the school district.