July 17, 2024
The Sweet Home Fire and Ambulance District (SHFAD) and Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) are currently fighting a three-acre wildfire located less than 20 miles outside of Sweet Home.
This fire was discovered around 5:41 a.m. Currently, there are three acres reported to be burned, with an unavailable containment percentage.
We have reached out to all available agencies. We will update as more information is available.
Currently, there are two acres reported to be burned as forward progression has stopped. According to the Public Affairs Officer for ODF, crews will remain on the fire at least through tomorrow to clean up and ensure there are no residual hot spots. ODF sent out engines with hand crews as well as a helicopter doing water drops earlier in the day. SHFAD also sent resources to assist in the fire response. The fire was caused due to lightning.
July 18, 2024
The Sweet Home Wildland Division and Fire crews have been helping ODF in containing the Tally Creek 230 fire. This wildfire was noticed by loggers who were working in the area around 5 a.m. A type six brush rig with two firefighters and the newly appointed Wildland Division Chief Christian Whitfield all responded along with ODF and resources from Cascade Timber Consulting as mutual aid resources.
Those responding were late joined by a SHFAD medic unit with two personnel providing medical standby. The fire is estimated at 3-4 acres and is still burning. Crews are back at work today, working to contain the fire putting in handline and plumbing in hose lines. The fire is burning in heavy timber on extremely rugged and steep terrain.
A seasonal staffing grant from The Oregon State Fire Marshal made it possible for SHFAD to send these resources.
If any additional information becomes available, we will update accordingly.