Sky Chappell
The Sweet Home wrestlers found triumph at home over Cottage Grove, Junction City, North Marion and Stayton last week, following their varsity Special District Region #2 Duals. These duals went exceptionally well for the SHHS wrestlers.
The Huskies won 49 of their 56 matches, showing losses in only seven. Sweet Home won 72-7 against Cottage Grove, 72-12 against Junction City, 67-7 against North Marion, and 75-6 against Stayton.
Of those matches freshman Jesse Landtroop (113), and Kyle Zajic (150) were both able to capture attention with their standout performances. Solid wins also included Ashton Swanson, Kyle Sieminski, Jayce Miller and David Steagall, who all won matches by fall.
With many of the teams attending, this gave the Huskies opportune time to feel out their competition and prepare for the future competitions.
“This was a very good tune up going into the Oregon Wrestling Classic,” Huskies Coach Steve Thorpe said.
The team will be back this Friday and Saturday, Jan. 12 and 13, playing in the Oregon Wrestling Classic, with the intention of bringing home some blue trophies.