
Sweet Home Resident Named LCSWA Volunteer of the Year

By Larry Mauter
For The New Era


Lena Tucker smiles after being recognized June 14 for her LCSWA volunteer efforts. Photos by Larry Mauter, LCSWA member

Lena Tucker logged in nearly 30 years of public service with the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF). Since taking the retirement off-ramp, the Sweet Home resident — who retired as ODF deputy state forester — has hardly slowed down her civic activities.

She is being recognized for her efforts as the Linn County Small Woodlands Association Volunteer of the Year for 2024.

Tucker and four other Oregon Small Woodlands Association (OSWA) volunteers were honored Friday June 14, in Lebanon at the statewide OSWA conference.

“Lena agreed to chair our annual seedling sale, which in itself is a huge commitment,” said Mike Barsotti, LCSWA president. “But in addition to overseeing the chapter’s major revenue project, Lena moved the ordering process to a web-based system. It worked very well.”

Lena Tucker, seated, shows board members a new ordering system for the LCSWA annual seedling sale.

Tucker has been involved nationally with the Sustainable Forestry Initiative and is also a certified forester through the Society of American Foresters. She has also been a member of the Sweet Home Park and Tree Committee since 2015.

“Lena did an amazing job in her first year at the helm of the seedling sale, exhibiting great confidence and flexibility,” said Bonnie Marshall, former chairperson of the sale. “She took us to a whole new level in just one year. Not only did she implement the new online ordering system, she successfully navigated the seedling sale through some rough waters when she had to change the date and location of the sale at the last minute because of bad weather and field conditions.”

A total of 10,011 tree and native plant seedlings were packed for the pre-orders this year, followed by an additional 827 plant orders during the annual sale in February. The 29th annual sale raised $13,800 for scholarships for Linn County residents in forestry or natural resources majors, as well as 4-H forestry students.

The 30th annual sale is set for Saturday, Feb. 15, 2025, at the Linn County Expo with Thursday and Friday as set-up days for volunteers.
