
Sweet Home Youth Joins Angus Association

The American Angus Association® announced Sweet Home resident Conner Lee Northern is among its newest junior members.

Junior members of the Association are eligible to register cattle in the American Angus Association, participate in programs conducted by the National Junior Angus Association, and take part in Association-sponsored shows and other national and regional events.

The American Angus Association is the largest beef breed association in the world, with more than 21,000 active adult and junior members. It’s home to an extensive breed registry that grows by more than 300,000 animals each year. The Association also provides programs and services to farmers, ranchers and others who rely on Angus to produce quality genetics for the beef industry and quality beef for consumers.

Visit NJAA.info for more information about the National Junior Angus Association. For more information about Angus cattle and the American Angus Association, visit www.angus.org.
