Wildland Division Chief Sworn In

Many things were discussed during the July 16 fire board meeting. A Wildland Division update was on the forefront of these discussions. 

The meeting began with Christian Whifield signing and being sworn in as the division chief for the new Wildland Division. 

“With the launch of our Wildland Division, we are temporarily promoting Christian to the division chief of our Wildland Division,” Deputy Chief George Virtue stated.

After being sworn in, Whitfield provided an update on the division, first commenting on how the wildland division paperwork was officially sent off.

“Today, at about 5 p.m or so, we signed the contract with the NFF (National Forest Foundation) officially,” Whitfield said. “It is officially signed, and we will be getting a start date immediately.”   

With that, the district has posted for seven different positions: true entry level, forest technician, wildland firefighter and paramedic, squad boss, crew foreman and crew boss. 

“We might not hire all those positions right away, but we have the framework if we have the right people and right applicants to do so,” Whitfield said. 

Whitfield is hoping to hire 10-15 people, depending on applicants. These applications will be open for two weeks, with oral interviews taking place July 29-30. According to Whitfield, there were 21 applicants ranging from entry level to crew boss. These positions are seasonal.

In other business: 

  • Larry Johnson led this meeting.
  • This meeting was different than the usual, as Board President Dawn Mitchell and Fire Chief Nick Tyler were both absent. Both Tyler and Mitchell still attended digitally.
  • The Chief had $1.4 million budgeted for ambulance revenue in the last fiscal year. Assistant to the Chief Julie Mayfield stated that they collected $1.516 million.    
  • One task force, originally at the Larch Creek Fire, has moved to the Lone Rock Fire. Engine 25, a Type 3 loaded with three personnel and one task force leader trainee., spent four days at Larch Creek before being sent over to Lone Rock. They did burnout operations and other work to help with the wildfire. 
  • Chief Tyler is on the Falls Fire as a division supervisor on the IMT team, working with out of state resources.
  • Whitfield commented on how right now is a terrible time, as dry lightning is expected through the Cascades.
  • Discussion ensued about the three rescues that took place on Sunday.
  • Virtue requested a motion to approve “Resolution 2024-04” for the sale of the general obligation bond. This approval was passed unanimously.
  • Discussion about an intergovernmental agreement pertaining to the usage of the old city hall building ensued.
  • Training hours were discussed: online hours (47), drill hours (121), on-shift training hours (151), outside training hours (224).
  • SHFAD attended lots of Sportsman’s Holiday events; discussion began about that.
  • Mayfield talked about  reviewing ordinances 2016-01 and 2016-02. These are ordinances about cost recovery and setting rates. Discussion started about these topics and repealing them to adopt new ones. 
  • The board was informed about the seismic rehabilitation grant for Station 23. A request for an approval to go forward with this grant was made. This approval passed unanimously.
  • Board member Charlene Adams began discussion about the potential of implementing children’s car seats in the ambulance. Chief Tyler agreed with the thought for concerns, but cautioned about the liability behind providing those seats.