Twenty mph, 24/7
The latest bit of nonsense that’s about to hut our lives comes courtesy of the Oregon Legislature, ensconced comfortably in Salem.
Beginning July 1, the speed in all school zones will be 20 mph.
All the time.
Every day.
Even in summer.
Even at 11:35 p.m. on a national holiday that falls on a Sunday.
In a continual effort to protect us from ourselves, the new catch-all law, which says the school speed zone is to be active at all times, is over the top, in total excess of what we need. It should be a matter of common sense ? kids near road, better slow down. Simple.
It’s not like this is a big deal in Wallowa County, where all the in-town speed limits are 30 or below. Some of us even prefer to drive slower than 25 mph through town, so reducing speed another 5 mph while driving past Wallowa High is not a tremendous burden. But it is kind of silly.
We know that there are knuckle heads out there who couldn’t care less what was on a traffic or speed limit sign, especially in urban areas. Those drivers won’t think twice until someone gets hurt or killed.
When that someone is a child, it devastates everyone. We’re not advocating for carte blanche road rules nor against child safety. But we see this latest law as just plain ridiculous.
Wallowa Chieftan