Huskiettes ninth at state dance competition

The Sweet Home High School Huskiettes finished ninth at the annual state competition held Friday and Saturday at the Memorial Coliseum in Portland.

“The kids had fun, and they learned something,” said Coach Kristin Ashcraft. “They performed better than they did all season.”

They also received their highest score of the year with 63.8. The first place team, Stayton, finished with a score of 85. The 4A division had 10 teams.

It’s difficult for a small team, like Sweet Home, to compete with teams of 30 or more, Ashcraft said, and the Oregon Student Athletics Association is considering whether to split 4A into small and large divisions next year.

“I was just very, very proud,” Ashcraft said. “They did their job, and that’s what I told them to do.”

They have no reason for regrets and should be proud, she said.

The Huskiettes’ lowest scores were in content, Ashcraft said. To score higher, the judges were looking for complex choreography, with multiple groups dancing differently, using each part of the songs.

The highest scoring was in execution, Ashcraft said. “I was really proud of their execution score.”

Ashcraft wanted to thank the area businesses who supported the dance team and sponsored dancers, she said. The team had more this year than ever before.

Members of the team for the 2010 dance season included Jesse Parga, Karese Mancuso, Shalese Mancuso, Annie Stofle, Karissa Rotenberger, Crystal Crites, Scierra Fox, Laura Mauer, Zecarii Syfert, Emily Conrad, Krysal Juza, Kaitlyn Long, Rachel Thomas, Michaella Parks, Kyle Lewis, Kayla Froman, Tori Lillich and Sara Traeger.
