
Web database to help prospective investors find SH property

Sean C. Morgan

The Sweet Home Active Revitalization Effort and the City of Sweet Home have completed development of a web-based community commercial property database.

Called the Real Estate Locator, the module is hosted on the city’s website, ci.sweet-home.or.us. Real estate agents and community members can list and search for commercial properties for sale within the city.

Properties may be searched under several parameters. Agents and community members may post and manage their own real estate listings at any time by setting up a profile.

Other cities have this type of service available, said city planning services manager Laura Goodrich, and SHARE, the economic development arm of Sweet Home Economic Development Group, was looking for a way to provide it here in Sweet Home.

A web-based database was a common way to do it, she learned as she started looking around, Goodrich said. “It’s just like if you’ve ever looked for property or real estate.”

But this site will focus on available industrial and commercial property, she said. The properties in the database are primarily located along Main Street and downtown, but it has a few on Long Street as well.

This isn’t the first time Sweet Home has tried to make it easier for prospective investors to find opportunities locally. A previous attempt occurred in 1996, she said.

“A former RARE (student) developed this book but it was on paper,” Goodrich said. “As soon as it was printed, it was out of date.”

That effort provided square footage, available utilities, parking information and more, Goodrich said. The on-line effort will allow people to input and update data themselves.

The focus is boosting economic development, she said.

The city’s web services provider had a template for a real estate module that could plug into the existing site easily, Goodrich said, so it’s hosted on the city’s site. Other sites can link to it.

“Not surprisingly, there’s a lot for sale,” Goodrich said. “A lot of commercial development opportunities are right down on Main Street.”

The database currently includes 33 properties.

From the home page, click on “Business” and scroll to the “Real Estate Locator” tab to find and use the database.

City staff will monitor the site and may remove inappropriate listings.

For more information, help or feedback, contact Goodrich at (541) 367-8113.
